Ο Τζορτζ Μπους Τζούνιορ είπε κάποτε "Εάν ο αμερικανικός λαός ήξερε τι κάνουμε εδώ στην κυβέρνηση, θα κρεμούσαν τον καθένα μας. Ευτυχώς για μας, ο αμερικανικός λαός είναι απλά ηλίθιος, και αδαή πρόβατα.
Πιστεύουν ότι τους λέμε και κάνουν ό, τι τους λέμε. Ο αμερικανικός λαός είναι απλά ηλίθιος, αδαής και πρόβατα".
George Bush Jr. once said "If the American People knew what we do here in government, they'd hang every last one of us. Fortunately for us, the American People are just stupid, ignorant sheeples. They believe what we tell them and they do what we tell them. The American People are just stupid, ignorant, sheeples."

George Bush Jr. once said "If the American People knew what we do here in government, they'd hang every last one of us. Fortunately for us, the American People are just stupid, ignorant sheeples. They believe what we tell them and they do what we tell them. The American People are just stupid, ignorant, sheeples."

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